Liev has certainly come a long way in recent times ie since Wolverine was released. Who would have thought that Cotton Weary from Scream would have been the grrrr-tastic Sabretooth? Not me. He was good though. Very good. Even if the writers did make up a whole lot of stuff about Wolverine’s back story. Before you say anything , I do understand that in fact everything about Wolverine is made up because he is not a real person. But there is still some history there that needs to be respected.
I shall not dwell. Back to Liev.
I think he looks like a perfectly nice man. He is being rained on in his non-beardy pic and he still manages to give us a bit of a grin. But happier is Liev with a beard. Sure it could be that he is warm and inside and has a nice scarf. But for the purposes of the study let's just say its the beard.
Props to Matt Stevo for the Liev suggestion! We were SO on the same page.
everyone says i look like this mother f#@ker